Sunday, November 25, 2012

Marabou Banana Cake

Cake bites decorated with Marabou milk chocolate

Marabou banana Cake

Banana Cake with chocolate

Its been a while since I have baked and I really enjoy it, when I have some time for it. For me it's really a meditative process when I can stand in my kitchen and concentrate on a cake ( or two ).
So I spend my morning with baking until I went to „the late shift“ at the hospital.

I had some really ripe bananas and usually I make smoothies with them, but I couldn't have eaten them all, until they got rotten, so I decided to bake a banana cake.

Afterwards a colleague told me that I can cut ripe bananas into pieces and freeze them to use them for smoothies or baking later. I always thought that it's not possible to freeze bananas because they become brown and nasty, but they just get a little mushy which doesn't matter when they get mashed anyway. 

Marabou Cake

It was the first time I made this cake and it was really delicious. The Muscovado sugar gave it a spicy note and the sour cream made it perfectly spongy.
I usually use dark chocolate in cakes, but at the supermarket I saw the Marabou chocolate, which is one of my favorites, and I couldn't resist.
I only took about half the chocolate plate to put into the cake and melted the rest to decorate.

When you have difficulties to get muscovado sugar, because I know it's for example not known in Germany, you can use some brown sugar or syrup instead.

It can also be difficult to figure out what is similar to sour cream. I used what's called „Saure Sahne“ in Germany, but you could also take “Creme Fraiche”, which is the closest thing in Denmark.
Someday I might make a list of both ingredients and measures from different countries because I often use American or British recipes and always use a lot time to convert the measures.

Marabou Banana Cake

4 eggs (room temperature)
350 g Muscovado sugar
200 g unsalted butter or margarine (room temperature)
2 ripe bananas
2 dl sour cream
350 g all purpose flour
50 g hazelnut flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tbsp. Baking powder
140 g Marabou chocolate

Preheat oven to 180 °C.

Beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the butter and whisk thoroughly.

Mash the bananas, mix them with the sour cream and add to the batter.

Combine flour, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl and mix into the dough.

Chop the chocolate coarsely and fold into the batter.

Pour into a small baking pan (20x30 cm) greased and lined with baking paper.
Bake at 180 °C for approx 35 minutes or until toothpick comes out dry.

When the cake is completely cooled decorate it with melted Marabou chocolate.

Banana Cake crumbs

                                                                       Yours AK

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