Monday, November 19, 2012

Moonblush Tomatoes

I just love these tomatoes, I'm not so good with raw tomatoes but these semi-dried tomatoes are really delicious. I found them in Nigella Lawsons book: „Nigella Express“ , but the recipe is also available on her Homepage.
If you haven't a night or day to make them, it's possible to make them a bit quicker. For that you preheat the oven as told in the recipe, but instead of turning it off when putting the tomatoes in, you dry them on a lower degree. Just be sure to have an eye on them so they don't get baked too much. 
Anyway they are best when they are "Moondried" in the oven over night. I don't know why but maybe it has something to do with the ingredients to get absorbed by the Tomatoes.
The Tomatoes make a perfect topping on salads, that means when there are some left, cause they just disappears very quickly in my kitchen. 

Don't they look , mouthwatering?...maybe I should make some tonight.
Moonblush Tomatoes with Mozarella and Rucola
Salad with Moonblush Tomatoes

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